enflag We are the link between school and family

The Parent Teacher Assosciation, PTA, is a medium for parents with a child or children at The International English school in Bromma. We cooperate with the school and are a constructive support group looking after the needs and ideas from students and families. We welcome your support, ideas and feedback. Please contact us here

Autumn Fair IESB

Parents that contribute to the development of the school

The PTA is a non-profit association where the purpose is to create the best possible school environment at IES Bromma. We engage parents and cooperate with the school management and the teachers. The PTA is made up of a board, working groups for various activities and parents who are appointed as PTA representatives for each class.

We communicate your needs, suggestions and ideas

The PTA is the medium through which parents can make their opinions heard regarding course content, educational methods, etc. The school can use the PTA to inform parents of and involve parents in certain decisions. Involving yourself in the PTA is a way for you to contribute and influence the students’ time at IESB. In practice, this is carried out by encouraging a dialogue between parents in all classes and with the school management, as well as with teachers. We sponsor and donate economic support to the school The PTA organizes activities and offers financial contributions to promote a pleasant school environment at IESB. We organize the highly appreciated Autumn Fair, where students, school and families meet and enjoy themselves in the beginning of the school year. We sponsor the school´s ball for students in the 9th grade. We arrange lectures for parents, have sponsored the acquisition of literature for the library, music equipment for the P E hall and outdoor playsets for the school yard.


Become a member and a PTA rep!

All parents are welcome as members of the PTA IESB. The fee is SEK 200 per family and school year to be paid to BG Number:  204-0368 or by Swish to 123 611 0720. The paid fee is entirely used for activities for the students (or families).

Contact the PTA board

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